Here are some links to the articles I published on Medium.

Testing Magento 1.x Modules / 2: Automated Docker Setup

Oct 30, 2019

In the previous article we learned how to set up a Magento shop dedicated to unit and integration testing. Let’s follow up on this idea and simplify the configuration further, so that we can start testing with almost zero effort. Read more on Medium…


Unit Testing Magento 1.x Modules / 1: Getting Started

Feb 20, 2019

Unit tests are usually disregarded in the Magento 1 module development workflow. The setup can be very complex and the overhead discourages developers, since the time required almost never fits into the working schedule. Unfortunately, it is impossible to establish a solid CI/CD workflow without tests: the risk to introduce new bugs with every commit, especially when collaborating with other team members, is just too high. Read more on Medium…